International Path Delay Service: models
- GEOS-FPIT — semi-frozen global atmospheric model
developed by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (
GMAO) at NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center. The model runs from 2000.01.01 through
present and is updated 3–4 times a day. Model resolution:
0.625° × 0.5° × 3h × 72 layers.
Used datasets: layer pressure thickness, air temperature, and specific
- MERRA — reanalysis global atmospheric model
developed by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (
GMAO) at NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center. Updated once a month.
Model resolution: 0.67° × 0.5° × 6h
× 72 layers. Used datasets: layer pressure thickness, air
temperature, and specific humidity.
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This page was prepared by Leonid Petrov
Last update: 2016.02.26_16:38:49